Stephens College was bustling in 1917. In fact, registration
had to close early in the fall of 1916 because dormitories were filled
to capacity, according to the 1917 Stephensophia.
Although we’re not given numbers, we’re told enrollment this year was an increase of more than 180 percent over enrollment in 1912-13.
Here are some of the ladies who made up the 1917 student body:

Not much is new at Stephens this year over 1916, although this year, the students have added a Ukulele Club, touting that had Eve had a ukulele to calm her boys, things might have turned out differently for old Cain and Abel.
This mysterious photo is also among the club photos…I have no idea what this club might be, but apparently the yearbook staff didn’t know either.

Another mystery is this boy, who was apparently the basketball team’s mascot. There’s no name or mention of a mother.

And from boys to men, the Tigers also apparently beat Kansas this year because we’re told MU men marched through the Stephens campus during a victory parade. Apparently, many of them wore pajamas. The Stephens women rushed to their windows to watch, throwing apples down to the men and standing on chairs for better views. After “fifteen rahs for Stephens and 15 more for the Tigers, like a great white snake they disappeared down Broadway singing at the top of their lungs.”

Stephens students also took a trip to Fulton this year, and apparently they walked. “After twenty-five miles of rough walking, we received a royal reception,” we’re told. Here they are posing with the Fulton sign:

They toured the “deaf and dumb school and the asylum” before finding a ride in a baggage car back to Columbia.
The Stephens Special was running at this time. We’re told in the form of a calendar that one student on Sept. 16: “Arrived via the Stephens Special. Met thousands of girls en route. I groaned when I saw what I thought was the famous city of Columbia but I soon found out that it was only unpretentious little Moore’s switch where we were being unloaded. My roomie is adorable and so is Stephens: I’m already wild about both of them. Will I ever know all of these wonderful looking girls? Haven’t seen an old maid yet; guess the faculty hasn’t arrived.”
Later, this student learns that some of those wonderful looking girls are faculty. Oops.
The Special wasn’t the only train coming in and out of Columbia. The Wabash was running three trains daily, and here’s an ad for “The Katy” which was reaching “every important city in Oklahoma and Texas.”

Although we’re not given numbers, we’re told enrollment this year was an increase of more than 180 percent over enrollment in 1912-13.
Here are some of the ladies who made up the 1917 student body:
Not much is new at Stephens this year over 1916, although this year, the students have added a Ukulele Club, touting that had Eve had a ukulele to calm her boys, things might have turned out differently for old Cain and Abel.
This mysterious photo is also among the club photos…I have no idea what this club might be, but apparently the yearbook staff didn’t know either.
Another mystery is this boy, who was apparently the basketball team’s mascot. There’s no name or mention of a mother.
And from boys to men, the Tigers also apparently beat Kansas this year because we’re told MU men marched through the Stephens campus during a victory parade. Apparently, many of them wore pajamas. The Stephens women rushed to their windows to watch, throwing apples down to the men and standing on chairs for better views. After “fifteen rahs for Stephens and 15 more for the Tigers, like a great white snake they disappeared down Broadway singing at the top of their lungs.”
Stephens students also took a trip to Fulton this year, and apparently they walked. “After twenty-five miles of rough walking, we received a royal reception,” we’re told. Here they are posing with the Fulton sign:
They toured the “deaf and dumb school and the asylum” before finding a ride in a baggage car back to Columbia.
The Stephens Special was running at this time. We’re told in the form of a calendar that one student on Sept. 16: “Arrived via the Stephens Special. Met thousands of girls en route. I groaned when I saw what I thought was the famous city of Columbia but I soon found out that it was only unpretentious little Moore’s switch where we were being unloaded. My roomie is adorable and so is Stephens: I’m already wild about both of them. Will I ever know all of these wonderful looking girls? Haven’t seen an old maid yet; guess the faculty hasn’t arrived.”
Later, this student learns that some of those wonderful looking girls are faculty. Oops.
The Special wasn’t the only train coming in and out of Columbia. The Wabash was running three trains daily, and here’s an ad for “The Katy” which was reaching “every important city in Oklahoma and Texas.”