A little extra research reveals that Holt, at President
James Woods’ behest, went on a tour of Europe, Russia, the Middle East, India
and Southeast Asia to meet with various leaders about education and religion.
She studied with Mahatma Gandhi and other leading thinkers of the day.
In an article for McCalls Magazine in November 1928, Holt
proclaims that everyone wants the same thing—“to live peacefully together.
Everywhere, youth has in its heart a longing to do justice to its neighbor’s
Holt is listed in the book as an English instructor but will
later become professor of religious education. Just a side note, in 1934, she
married Curtis Bok, a writer and publisher who served as a Pennsylvania Supreme
Court Justice.
But that’s four years from now. It’s 1927 and the College
this year has established a riding academy. Horseback riding has become an
intrinsic part of Stephens, and we’re told the College has nine “ladies’
horses” equipped with English or cowboy saddles. Some 200 girls have “developed
into admirable horsewomen.”
The College also added a country club to campus “to furnish
a setting in which the students may entertain friends as they will, later, in
their own homes.”
And even though The Collections, our student designer
fashion show, turns 70 next year, its roots date back further than 1944. We
learned in previous editions of the yearbook that students put on dress
parades, and this year, the clothing department put on a fashion show. “Betsy
Ross had nothing on us,” the yearbook says.
Overall, we’re told: “Development of womanhood is the basis
program at Stephens Junior College. The curriculum includes subject matter
which not only develops ideals but which also aids the modern young woman to meet
her problems in the home, in the community and in business.”
Mary Stuart is Civic Association president this year and is
predicted to go on to become the first woman to serve as U.S. president.
In addition to the Ten Ideals, represented for the second
year by 10 students, a Four-Fold Girl is selected as an individual who best
represents good citizenship, high scholarship, worthy activities and true
service. Edith Mullholland earned this honor. She was predicted to have a
career in bookbinding, creating the “most intricate, involved complicated and
ornate card index system in the world.” In reality, she went on to become a
Margaret McCarthy is named Best Private Citizen for taking a
strong stand for right and having the best interest of Stephens at heart.

The College has a new Spanish club, Carmencita, this year,
as well as a New Voters Section of the League of Women Voters organized to
prepare women to become interested in politics and active members of Leagues
after graduation. And The Standard is recognized as the official student
The 1927 Stephensophia is dedicated to alumnae who are true
Stephens because “where a Stephens girl is, there is Stephens.” We’re told
there are active alumnae clubs in Kansas City and surrounding towns, St. Louis,
Moberly and King City.
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