The 1931 Stephensophia goes into academic programs more so
than yearbooks from the past several years, giving us more insight into
education at Stephens than, say, social trends of the day as in previous years.
The yearbook staff this year has divided academics into five
areas, and the book goes into detail about coursework, majors and extracurricular activities within each area.

Vocations include secretarial studies--think typing,
shorthand and dictation, as well as the education program, which since 1925 has
had a lab school on campus.
Tool Subjects is used to describe home ec and languages and
encompasses the campus publications, including the Standard literary journal,
Stephens Life and the Stephensophia.
The Natural Sciences section includes chemistry, botany zoology
and physiology.
The area of Social Sciences encompasses history and
The curriculum as a whole is designed to meet the actual
needs of women living in the 20th Century, we’re told, and each course
is designed to be functional and show the importance of the subject in life
outside of the classroom. This “real-world” teaching model is still used today
but, of course, has “kept up” with needs of women as they’ve evolved.
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Louise Dudley |
Louise Dudley is now dean of faculty. We’re given a little
background on her, including the fact that she was a social worker in the
French Munition camps under the direction of the Young Women’s Christian
Association and that last year, she sojourned to the Junior College at Long
Beach, Calif., as an exchange professor of English.
Here’s what the Stephensophia staff also says about Dr.
“Dr. Dudley once let slip the remark that she rather liked
to be ‘hard boiled,’ but the twinkle in her eyes and the slight suggestion of a
smile served as conclusive evidence that her ‘bite is not as bad as her bark.’
As a hobby, Dr. Dudley finds teaching Humanities most enjoyable or, when
classes are not in session, the rather unique task of drawing house plans
interests her.”
Also on faculty is Dr. Frank Nifong—as in Nifong Blvd. in
Columbia. He’s director of health and physical education.

This year marks the
10th anniversary of Burrall Bible Classes and Ms. Jessie Burrall, who
has been gone a couple of years now, visits campus to help celebrate. We’re
told Vespers is now twice a week, and there’s also a new discussion group, “We
Moderns,” held weekly to discuss various problems of leadership and religion.
The senior class is the first to be “brave enough” to host
two formal dances, one without men and another to let students show of their “beaux”
from back home.
Also this year, the freshman and sophomore classes—high school-aged
women at this time—have been combined into a single unit, and students are
known as “organization students.”
Again this year, the Stephensophia dedicates full-page
photos to the Four-Fold Girl, Best Private Citizen and each woman who represents one of the Ten Ideals. This year, it
appears they all posed at similar times in some of their best dresses. A few
And finally, couldn't resist sharing this timely winter scene with an elaborate snow person.
I think you guys will find this interesting as it gives you a glimpse into the lives of people, who were just names on buildings to us!